峨嵋武術發揚于峨眉山, 是中國國家非物質文化遺產,中國三大武術流派之一;第七屆世界傳統武術錦標賽經已于十一月八日至十二日在中國四川峨眉山市博覽中心舉行,今次世界傳统武术锦標赛共有來自57个国家,3870名运动员参加,设六个场地同時進行比赛。大會宣傳口號(慧定峨眉、武動世界)世界傳統武術錦標賽由2004年開始,每兩年舉辦一次,是次比賽參加人數打破了十四年來的記錄,加拿大武術團體聯合總會代表加拿大派出代表56人參與盛會、總領隊鄧華師傅感謝各位來自卑詩省及多倫多的教練及運動員的努力,不負眾望,取得近乎完美的成績,勇奪金牌8面,銀牌10 面,銅牌15面,一共33個獎牌回國。
The 7th world traditional martial arts championship was held from Nov. 8 to 12 at the Emei Mountain Expo Center in Sichuan, China. the world traditional martial arts championship was held. 57 countries, with 3, 870 athletes participated throughout six venues and held competition events simultaneously during the world traditional martial arts championships. The World Kungfu Championship are held every two years which began in 2004. It was a record attendance at the World Kungfu Championships and WushuCanada represented Canada boldly at the event. Master Sunny Tang, Team leader and manager, thanked all the coaches and athletes from British Columbia and Ontario for their hard work as they achieved near-perfect results. The Canadian delegation won 8 gold medals, 10 silver medals and 15 bronze medals, a total of 33 medals achieved.