Sanda is a hand to hand combative sport that adapts various components of the martial arts. Sanda also known as “Sanshou” entails at the HIGHEST level, full contact striking, kicking, and throwing competition between two athletes. Athletes are developed in a pathway that guides them through each of the required technical skills to ensure safety, competitiveness, and enjoyment of combat sport.
Competitors are classed into differing weight divisions and wear protective gear and gloves, and utilize punching, kicking and throwing/wrestling techniques to win points or at the full contact level, knock out their opponents. Events are exciting and fast paced, and the added element of the platform in high performance divisions not having any boundary ropes makes matches visually entertaining.
High Performance Competition bouts comprise of 3 rounds in total, each lasting two minutes with a one minute rest period between rounds. Apart from illegal blows and methods, Sanda athletes may employ punching, kicking and throwing techniques from all styles of martial arts. Valid striking areas are: the head, the trunk (including the chest, abdomen, waist and back) and the legs. The full-contact bouts are free flowing and exciting, and athletes are awarded points by the sideline judges for successfully executed techniques based on the scoring criteria. An athlete will be declared the winner if he or she wins 2 out of the 3 rounds of a bout, or if their opponent is knocked out in full contact divisions. There are 11 Internationally recognized weight categories for men and 7 for women but may vary based on the requirements of each competition.

Sanda takes place on an elevated platform known as a “Leitai”. High performance and international competition bouts take place on this ring which is 80cm in height, 8m in width and 8m in length and comprises of a frame covered in high density foam with a canvas cover. Recreational sport combat development competition is conducted in the same area but without the elevated platform and/or in a smaller area depending on the age bracket, contact level and experience of the participating athletes.
High Performance athletes wear an internationally adapted set of equipment that include head gear, chest protector, 8-14oz gloves and in some classes leg protection. Uniforms are typically black/red, or blue/red shorts and matching sport tops without logos and branding.
Recreational and developmental athletes wear, organizer approved uniforms that include traditional gi’s or t-shirts, along with shorts or training pants. Athletes in these divisions bring their own approved equipment based on age bracket and contact level.
Sport Combat Competition Pathway / Division Classes / Categories
WushuOntario provides and sanctions competition in various categories for male and female participants according to their experience and contact levels. Each sport combat pathway is uniquely designed to foster growth and skill sets to develop athletes in a safe and meaningful environment.
- Class A – Full Contact
-International Level Medical clearance required: WOP-36, Blood Test, EEG Exam, ECG Exam
-National and International level bouts competed at a full contact level
-For advanced level athletes inspiring to be on the National Team to represent Canada at International Competition
-Pre-requisite: Qualified at Class B competition or equivalent full contact experience in another PSO sanctioned full contact combative sport - Class B – Full Contact
-Provincial Level Medical clearance required: WOP-36, Blood Test, ECG Exam
-For Provincial level athletes qualifying to compete in class A National and International level bouts
-This is an advanced level class utilizing controlled techniques with less emphasis on knock out points
-Pre-requisite: Qualification via Class C competition record or Class B Licensing Exam
-Athletes may apply to this class directly if the athlete demonstrates experience and equivalent skills required for this class of competition via other combative PSO experience. Judgement is at the discretion of the WushuOntario VP Technical and competition safety coordinators
-A Class B Licensing Exam is required prior to allowing athletes without sanda experience to compete at this level - Class C – Semi-Contact
-High Performance Level Medical clearance required: WOP-36, ECG Exam
-Full Contact division for athletes training and developing sanda at an amateur non-knock out environment and for athletes competing at the High Performance U-18 Junior competition bracket.
-This is an intermediate level class allowing participants to legally target the head but with full emphasis on take downs, throws and utilizing torso/leg contact points. No head kicks are allowed in this class of competition and athletes are only allowed controlled contact to head area. Full facial protection is worn. (max 45 degree reaction)
-Recommended for the seasoned martial artist looking to compete in a challenging environment and potentially training towards full contact competition
-Pre-requisite: none
- Class D – Moderate Contact, continuous combat with throws
-Recreational Level Medical clearance required: WOP 36 annual medical assessment required
-Moderate-Contact division for athletes who wish to participate using a majority of sanda techniques with minimal contact to the head target
-This class is recommended to novice and intermediate athletes just starting out in sanda who have some prior experience in other combative sport
-Focus is place on platform awareness and utilizing effective sanda techniques for takedowns, throws and torso/leg contact areas
-Light contact to head is allowed (max 25 degree reaction)
-Pre-requisite: none - Class E – Light Contact, continuous combat
-Recreational Level Medical clearance required: WOP 36 annual medical assessment required
-Light Contact event for athletes seeking a controlled environment to further their martial arts skills
-Recommended for athletes just starting out in sport combat and developing their knowledge of rules and understanding of the sanda competition environment
-All legal contact levels are light and awarded based on target areas
-Excessive force using any technique is not allowed
-Athlete development is focused on endurance, targeting and spacial awareness, as opposed to injury to opponents
-No take downs or grabbing are allowed in this class, it can be considered a light contact continuous sparring event designed to develop striking and kicking techniques to target areas
-Pre-requisite: none - Class F – Light Controlled Contact, point combat
-Recreational Level Medical clearance required: WOP 36 annual medical assessment required
-Light Contact Point Sparring event for athletes seeking a controlled environment to further their martial arts skills
-Recommended for athletes just starting out in sport combat and developing their knowledge of rules and understanding of the combat sport competition environment
-All legal contact levels are light controlled and awarded based on target areas with stoppage at the moment of contact to target areas
-Excessive force using any technique is not allowed
-Athlete development is focused on endurance, targeting and spacial awareness, as opposed to injury to opponents
-No take downs or grabbing are allowed in this class, it can be considered a NON-contact point sparring event designed to develop striking and kicking techniques to target areas
-Pre-requisite: none - For Summary of Rules and Divisions Click Here
- For Full Rules and Divisions Click Here